A Letter to the Paragon

Dear champion,

I write to you in awe. For years I have witnessed how you've distinguished yourself from the common riffraff that roams the Earth. You belong to a group of people destined to greatness, and your claims of goodwill and loyalty to the world have invited me to ponder on what it truly means to be in tune with the world that surrounds us.

I have heard and seen you talk passionately about being a better person, about helping those in need and doing what's ideal and necessary for the world to be a better place. I admire the sentiment and conviction that you project into others and myself. I admit that, as moved as I am by your words, there are doubts lurking within me that make me question every thing you say. I don't mean to impose, but you have stated to be a person of understanding, patience and empathy. With this said, I want to take advantage of this rare opportunity given to me to share certain inconsistencies that unease me.

The first one is the fact that, even though you have heavily criticized the misuse of power and wealth from great corporations and individuals, I have never seen you do anything about these problems. Your words on social media, on texts and blogs tell of a person who aspires to change the world. However, I have never seen or witnessed any initiative from your part. You attack that which is cruel and evil, yet you do so from the comfort of your home, a luxury many don't have. What are your words if they're not followed by actions? Are you pretending to care for those of us who actually suffer from the enemy? What is your goal? Validation? What for?

The second inconsistency pertains to your concern regarding the relationship between humans and nature. I know for a fact that you would not pollute with intent, that given the chance, you would recycle. My problem with this is that you and I know better. Every aspect of our comfortable life comes at an expense. Instead of living with what we need, we satisfy our egos with unnecessary items and foods. Examples of this are our over-consumption of meats and electricity, the selling of unnecessary items such as luxury furniture and clothing. You know that comfort comes at the expense of nature or others, that material wealth isn't necessary for life but it takes a toll on those less lucky. Why do you continue to live the way you do, instead of being economical and empathic to the world around you? Is your comfort more important than the basic needs of others? Is material wealth so important that it justifies the poverty and death of children in other countries? Is your life being short an excuse for you to damage mother nature? Why are you like this?

The third and last inconsistency refers to your place in the world. You and I have fortune by our side, we have a roof and a fridge with food. We have the means and resources to reach out to others and to learn more about the world. With those resources, surely you could spare some to those who don't have them. Unfortunately, I haven't seen you give your wealth to nor share your room with people who need help like the homeless, the addicts and those suffering from illnesses. As a matter of fact, not even the Christians practice their faith in this matter. But you claimed to actually care for those in need, you have protested in rallies and in the internet for the benefit of those who need. While it is true that you alone cannot save the world, that just your action wouldn't destroy the root of the problem, surely it would benefit and even change the life of those directly affected by your grace. If that is not reward enough, then what is the point in you helping anyone at all? Why don't you give a room to the strangers you say you would help? Why aren't you volunteering after work for any charity or cause instead of just creating awareness? Aren't your actions a more powerful force than your words?

I apologize for indulging in my curiosity. You see, I have lost hope in people and myself. We all walk around without true purpose. Yet you appeared with a long lost fire that made me remember a time where actions led to reactions. You spoke eloquently, with power and decisiveness. You kindled the flames and made me feel like there were still good people I wanted to support. I followed you and read, listened carefully, waiting to see you jump into action just so that I could make the leap too. I thought I wouldn't be alone, because you presented a person that felt the same things I felt too. I am scared that if I make the jump, the sacrifice, it would not amount to anything worthwhile and nobody would follow through. Because of this, my concern is that you would end up being exactly like I am: a failure.

So what will it be? Will you act?

Or was it all for show?


I Welcome Death


Mother Earth’s Suicide