I Welcome Death

I welcome death!

Let her come to me swiftly and coldly, for my time in this despicable land has shown me nothing but ill behaviors and senselessness. Does anyone have any reason to try and survive at all? Of course not! Only those who were born under a lucky star have a reason to live, and that reason is to degrade all living things for their own posterity. My pleasure would be for those of murderous intent to do the right thing for the rest of the population, but let us not kid ourselves. Tragic and unfortunate deaths only occur to the downtrodden and poor, those who never had a chance. Should nature ever scream and embrace me with a lightning strike, let it be in the right and at the right time. Surrounded by the idiocy of men who have never earned their place in this world, nor have done anything to make it a better place to live.

I welcome death!

I don’t want a gentle kiss nor a caress, but the violent smiting of my shell that burns a mark in the minds of those in this putrid vicinity. Why should I go quietly and with satisfaction when my painful wails and screams can attest to the human condition almost perfectly and without explanation? No! I will marry her forever, and leave this cesspit of a prison that we have agreed to call life. All around me, there is nothing but mediocrity. Humanity pats itself on the back for being less of an excrement than it was previously. This is our legacy!

I welcome death!

My mind keeps running amok, trying to grasp at the strands of self-preservation. But I know better! If I have yet to walk about, I will be nothing more than a tool to those with unearned wealth. Is that what is life all about? Yes! Yes! A million times, yes! Life is nothing but a prison where the charlatan is the warden. I came in screaming, I will go out screaming. Never again will I stand for the distasteful attempt of a smile that tries to make up for our collective misery. Smiles are for the wicked, and the rest of us would show contempt to those who practice this ridiculous behaviour. Do you think souls smile in hell? Why would they? Why would you?

I welcome death!


I Fake Smile


A Letter to the Paragon